Saturday, April 25, 2009


Disneyland with Kenny's fam


We had fun on the Carousel...kinda.

Kenny cannot have kids yet...he doesn't know how to hold them. Poor Charlie!

Jungle Cruise


kkrich said...

disneyland is the best

Unknown said...

Charlie thought it was so funny when Kenny was holding him and was laughing the whole time. And Charlie really looks sad in that Jungle Boat picture. I guess we had just worn the little guy out or something.

Anonymous said...

Kristy, he will learn how to hold a kid sometime. I think he looks more scared than charlie, hopefully he can practice with the twins.

Amber said...

Kenny! What are you doing to poor Charlie? They would never let you out of the hospital with your kid. You do know you have to have a baby seat prior to leaving the hospital? You can't just put the kid in the car and buckle them up, right? Seriously, Kenny! Ben has not taught you very well.