Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Well...I have--according to my cousin Brian--entered my late twenties! (so has he--we're 5 days apart) I turned 27 earlier this month. Here's a few pictures from my celebration.

Kenny took me golf club shopping (that was my gift) and then to Golden Spoon for some frozen yogurt with snow caps. Yummy!

The day after my birthday I got to try out my new clubs. I didn't do too bad.

Kenny practicing his putting before we started.

Golf cart pic.

My family sent me these really pretty flowers for my birthday. Yellow--my favorite!


kkrich said...

pretty flowers. happy bday (i think i sent something) but if not. sorry. i didn't know u golfed. way to go kristy!

Michelle said...

You look really cute in your Michael Stars, shirt. I didn't know you got flowers from the fam! How nice! Kenny looks so goofy putting! He bends over so far.

Jenni Johansen said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Sounds like lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

Im still sad we never did anything to celebrate it!

Jenni Johansen said...

thanks for the thank-you card! I'm glad you liked the gift! I SERIOUSLY wouldn't be upset if you want to exchange it though. I just tried to actually buy something, because I feel like I do gift cards a lot. Anyway! Hope you guys are doing well. I sure hope you guys make it for Thanksgiving. Maybe we can go to Tombstone for a day if you do.